Friday, July 31, 2015

July 30, 2015 - Hennepin, Hidden, Owl and LaSalle Canyons

Today's hike we went out to Hennepin Canyon parking lot and 30+ walkers walked in from there to LaSalle Canyon.  I heard there was a MOUND of garbage there.  I mentioned it to the Walker's Club, if they wanted to grab a garbage bag from the front desk and help pick up the trash along the way it would be appreciated.  (I'll tell you later how much we picked up and carried back).
Theme photo of the hike
I took this photo earlier this week in the prairie area south of the Lodge.
Doll's Eyes

Rt. 71 is under construction. You have to wait for the pilot vehicle to come back, to lead you through.

Queen Anne's Lace

We have lots of these on the trails.  Some sort of a sunflower

Fern Leaf False Foxglove

Fern Leaf False Foxglove

Some sort of lichen near Hennepin Canyon Overlook

Enjoying the view with a breeze at Hennepin Overlook.  Some were reading the informational boards there.

Hennepin Canyon

This "thing" caught my eye

Hidden Canyon

Odd shaped tree near Owl Canyon

Walking along the river, headed to LaSalle Canyon, we saw this freshly fallen tree.
Walking Stick

Very delicate leaves, look close, they look like a fern. Partridge Pea

Red Admiral?

How many do you see?  There are 4
LaSalle Canyon
What's wrong with this photo?  Such a beautiful canyon!  It is sad that so much trash was found here.  Photo shows 2 bags with more trash on the ground.  We picked up trash on the way in and out.  All total we pick up 5, YES 5 garbage bags full of trash.  You name it.... diapers, bottles (glass, plastic and aluminum), socks, towels, wrappers, straws, beer cans, etc.  Whats going on??????

I will leave you with this: How ever you want to say it - "Leave footprints, take only memories", "Leave NO Trace" "Carry out what you carry in"

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